T.V is a special program funded by a grant from the Whatcom Community Foundation and Implemented by Inner Child Studio.
To create opportunities for youth from vulnerable communities to connect, engage, and be supported by their peers through local activities and adventures.
Target Demographic
Our goal is to impact the lives of youth (ages 10-13) LGBTQIA+, disabled, and/or people living with mental health conditions, or other circumstances that may hinder their ability to make friends in typical environments. Homeschoolers and introverts may also benefit.
A secondary goal is for parents and caregivers to have an opportunity to take a break, or if they are volunteering with us, to see their kid’s growth in action.
September 2024 - June 2025
Monthly meetups at different locations
We have funds to register 15 youth who live in Whatcom County. Homeschooled kids are welcome.
Special Needs
If your child needs additional support from you, you are welcome to register as a volunteer and you get to attend events and shows with us.
If you need help getting your kid to meetup locations, we will have a carpool group. Some meetups may have a van/bus for transportation.
There are no fees to participate, just a formal registration.
Any violation by kids or parents of the Code of Conduct will result in termination from the program.
Caregivers are REQUIRED to check in their kid at every drop-off, and REQUIRED to check them out at every pick-up.
No one may pick up a kid without explicit permission from the parents
Driver’s are required to have a valid driver’s license and insurance on file, and to read and sign Inner Child Studio’s Youth Engagement Policy.
ICS will not discriminate against any registrant based on race, religion, gender, sexuality, class, housing status, nationality, or disability.
Registration Procedures
Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis
Your kid must be 10 years old by September 1, 2024
Fill out the registration form and choose the events you can (as of now) confirm your kid wants to attend (We’ll figure out transportation later).
When you receive a text message to join notifications, reply START to ensure you are informed.
The Whatcom Community Foundation Connects people, ideas, and resources to improve food security, housing access, environmental and human health, education and more. Visit their website here.
Inner Child Studio is a non-profit focused on supporting youth through active engagement and educational enrichment.
Code of Conduct
Participants (kids and volunteers) are at all times to uphold a standard of behavior that respects the safety and mental health of others.
No participant shall touch physically in any way another human being without their explicit permission.
No foul language or physical or visual aggression addressed toward another human being.
Follow all rules and policies of the venues we visit; respect employees, property, and other guests at all times.
Do not distract or impair a driver in any way during transportation.
Ask people before posting their pictures or tagging them on social media.
Be on time to activities and for pick-up; bringing with you all necessary items, food, and equipment specified.
Privacy Policy
Inner Child Studio will never sell, give, trade, expose or exploit you or your child’s private information to any individual, company, or law enforcement without proper subpoena
Your Private information is:
legal name
phone number
photos of you
e-mail address
social media handles
identifying information like workplace, school, physical description, or relationships
Parents will be asked to sign a photo release every time they check -in. Photos are required by our grantors to show them our impact on the community.
Any information a child gives to a volunteer or adult will not be shared with parents, caregivers, law enforcement, therapists, or schools unless it poses an imminent risk to any living thing.
Preliminary Events(subject to change)
Swimming @ Arne Hannah
Whatcom Frightmare Haunted House
Fun @ MACH 1
My Neighbor Totoro @ REGAL
Painting pottery @ CreativiTEA
Dragons & Mythical Beasts @ Mt. Baker Theater
Play On! @ Bellingham Theater Guild
Brunch on The Bay Sailing Tour
Art scavenger hunt @ WWU
I acknowledge that these events involve the potential for death, serious mental or physical injury and property loss. The risks include, but are not limited to: actions of other people including, but not limited to, participants, volunteers, spectators, event officials, event monitors and/or producers of the event; lack of hydration, weather, and/or other natural conditions. I hereby assume all of the risks of participating in this event.
I certify that my child has not been advised by a qualified medical person to not participate in the activities involved.